One Saturday in October gave us a chance to do something we have not done for a while – photograph a wedding in Mandurah, take photos in rain and have location photos done before the ceremony.

Tammy and Nat made all this possible with their wedding at the Mandurah Quay Resort. We love this area of Mandurah, where you feel like you’ve reached the end of the world as you look over to the vast waterways. Tammy and Nat wanted things done a little bit differently with the photos done before the ceremony. Naturally, we did the “first look” photo which is one of our favourite ways of capturing the purity of wedding day emotions.

Doing photos early turned out to be a great idea, as the rain started just as we finished. Having rain during the ceremony was also great, as rain always brings good luck to the newlyweds. Or so Marina and I were told when it rained on our wedding day . Tammy and Nat took everything in stride, even when sprinklers decided to come on as we obviously did not have enough water .

It all made for an unforgettable afternoon that we will always treasure. Special high five goes to the lovely flower girl Bella that charmed us all.