We’re still on our winterly hiatus from weddings, eagerly awaiting the start of our season in the first weekend of September. In the meantime, we would like to present to you some photos from Tanya and Ethan’s wedding.

Tanya and Ethan, like many other wedding photography clients, booked us through email without meeting us upfront. What was interesting in this case was that it turned out that they lived just down the road from us, at the number 142 (we’re at 83-87). This made it for the shortest ever trip for the bride preparation shots . Both Tanya and Ethan are from Scotland, and are relatively recent additions to Perth. Our city is delighted to have them here, as we can never have enough awesome couples.

The wedding ceremony was held at the well-known Rotunda 1 in Kings Park. The backdrops for the location photos were similar to those we used in our last wedding (Ji and Chris). The pine tree area in Kings Park was in fact different from Ji and Chris’s – this one was in what’s called Saw Avenue Picnic Area. We again went to the park area across the road from the Old Swan Brewery to catch the last orange maple leaves, as well as to the blue boat shed on the Mounts Bay Road. The wedding reception was on board an Oceanic Cruises charter boat. There, the wedding party partied like only Scots know how to .